Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
White House

Federal agencies and their Federal Systems Integrator (FSI) partners are considering how to tap into artificial intelligence (AI) to advance their missions. The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is calling on Federal leaders to double research and development spending on AI, to $32 billion by Fiscal Year 2026. As with any new technology, there is uncertainty on the best way to move from pilot projects in the lab to fully implemented production solutions. […]

Amit Mital, senior director for cybersecurity and policy on the White House’s National Security Council (NSC), is on the hunt for a unified and trusted secure digital identity technology that he said has the potential to dramatically reduce identity-based fraud and the success of attempted ransomware attacks. […]

cyber workforce

President Biden’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) is preparing a report for the White House National Security Council (NSC) focused on “challenges facing the critical infrastructure workforce and the risks to national security posed by a lack of skilled workers,” and paying special attention to the cybersecurity workforce. […]

broadband 5g -min

The Department of Defense (DoD) is awarding the Spectrum Forward Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) worth up to $2.5 billion to the National Spectrum Consortium (NSC) for the development, adoption, and deployment of next-generation technologies, including 5G and spectrum access technologies. […]

CDM Central - Government Keynote - Grant Schneider
