According to the results of The Office of Personnel Management’s 2021 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, federal workers’ engagement and satisfaction with their jobs has decreased from 2020. In an accompanied report, OPM predicted that some of the declines in engagement and satisfaction might be due to the fact that agencies were preparing – or had already begun – efforts to move Federal workers back to traditional work sites. […]

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The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has issued guidance implementing a Trump-era executive order (EO) that instructs agencies to expand skill-based hiring and decrease reliance on educational accomplishments and self-assessments to evaluate prospective employees. […]

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The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) said in a memo this week that it’s offering updates and resources for hiring cybersecurity talent across the Federal workforce, including through a resource hub with tools that aim to streamline the process. […]

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Two key Biden administration nominations to the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) failed to win approval today from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, as the committee deadlocked with 7-7 votes on both nominations. […]

White House

Leaders from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) said in a blog post today that the White House’s FY2023 budget request released on March 28 – if its provisions become law – will help to move forward the Federal workforce focus that is part of the President’s Management Agenda published last year.  […]

White House

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is flagging cost over-runs and delays in efforts by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to modernize a key legacy financial system, and giving the agency a list of recommendations including adopting some key practices for the project. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has appointed James Saunders as the agency’s chief information security officer (CISO), according to a knowledgeable source who said the move was announced within the agency on Feb. 23.   […]

A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) personnel mobility program – which allows for temporary assignments of Federal and non-Federal employees to come in and quickly fill skill gaps – needs more complete data for the program to realize its full potential. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) needs to generate more reliable data on Federal telework. […]

Budget Federal spending

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Kiran Ahuja stressed the need for agency budgets to include funding for efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) for the Federal workforce during a Jan. 27 roundtable discussion hosted by OPM and the Commerce Department. […]


Federal agency chief information officers (CIOs) discussed their agencies’ grades on the 13th edition of the FITARA Scorecard at a hearing of the House Government Operations Subcommittee on Jan. 20, and outlined areas where they hope to improve going forward. […]


Large numbers of private and public sector organizations have shifted to a zero trust architecture. Each organization takes a different approach to implement zero trust concepts. Still, the goal is to bring together emerging and existing technologies to ensure users and their staff experience is secure and effortless, Federal leaders said Jan. 18 during a Federal News Network virtual event. […]


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) plans to publish new regulations governing Federal anti-discrimination and whistleblower protection, following a 2021 law to improve agency accountability and transparency in discrimination-related incidents. […]

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Kiran Ahuja emphasized in a recent report summing up the Federal government’s experience with telework during Fiscal Year 2020 that the practice will remain important to the government going forward particularly in creating further resiliency of agency operations and in helping workforce recruiting efforts. […]


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register today that looks to rescind previous Trump-era Federal workforce policies centered around how agencies handle employee misconduct and poor performance. […]

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has established new criteria for Federal agencies hiring data scientists by releasing its new occupational series for data scientists in government – a project that has been more than two years in development. […]

The Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) is proving to be a vital source of immediate funding for pressing projects at the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM), with CIO Guy Cavallo saying the agency would have to wait years to complete vital upgrades if it relied solely on regular appropriations. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has again extended the Schedule A hiring authority that allows Federal agencies to temporarily hire personnel to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Dec. 10 OPM memo. […]

OPM Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will be providing agencies with new resources meant to support a “talent surge” in the Federal government and fill key positions for the new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. […]

COVID-19 vaccine
