Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Nakasone US Cyber Command

Four key players in the establishment of U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) took a trip down memory lane at the RSA Conference in San Francisco on Wednesday to discuss how they worked together to set up CYBERCOM following one of the worst military compromises in U.S. history. […]

The Senate on Tuesday night unanimously confirmed by voice vote Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh to head both the National Security Agency (NSA) and U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) after a months-long blockade to his and other Pentagon nominations.  […]

While the 2020 election cycle has been officially underway for less than a month, there have already been significant technology concerns. While the most notable tech concern was the Feb. 3 Iowa Caucus, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) raised additional concerns in a report published Feb. 13. […]

Ron Wyden Oregon

In a Nov. 7 letter, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., urged Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and National Security Agency (NSA) Director Gen. Paul Nakasone to conduct a cybersecurity audit of mobile voting app Voatz to “determine whether it can reliably protect the votes of U.S. servicemembers against foreign hacking.” […]

Nakasone US Cyber Command

Army Gen. Paul Nakasone – who heads both the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command – said today that the first focus of NSA’s recently launched Cybersecurity Directorate will be to shore up protection of companies that make up the nation’s Defense Industrial Base (DIB), and specifically to prevent the theft of intellectual property from DIB companies. […]

The National Security Agency and Central Security Service inducted five new individuals to the NSA/CSS Hall of Honor on Nov. 28, according to a Dec. 7 NSA/CSS press release. […]

Russia hacking hack cyber-min

In an effort to halt the spread of election disinformation online, United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is telling Russian operatives that American operatives have identified who they are and are tracking their efforts. The campaign is the first known overseas cyber operation to protect American elections, according to the New York Times which first reported the story. […]

Following the Department of Homeland Security’s announcement of a new National Risk Management Center, critical infrastructure executives along with Federal agency leaders hailed the new coordinating wing of DHS as a way to harness the collective strengths of both government and industry to address cyber concerns that have the potential to hobble the nation’s critical functions. […]

Army Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone is taking over this afternoon as chief of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency.  At the same time, U.S. Cyber Command is being elevated to the level of a full unified military command, the Defense Department said today. […]

The U.S. military has long laid claim to having the best-equipped, best-trained fighting force in the world, and to spending more on defense than the next eight top-spending nations combined. But when the battleground is cyberspace, does that claim hold up? […]
