Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Robin Carnahan

The General Services Administration (GSA) is making strides in advancing the three pillars of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), with Administrator Robin Carnahan saying this week that doubling down on efforts to recruit AI talent into the Federal government is “paying off.” […]

Robin Carnahan

The head of the General Services Administration (GSA) said at the agency’s Federal Digital Experience Summit on Tuesday that GSA is working hard on numerous initiatives to improve digital services across the Federal government, and to become “better partners” to companies that do business with the government. […]

Robin Carnahan

As telework and hybrid work have become part of the new normal for the Federal government, General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Robin Carnahan said her agency is rethinking the use of physical building space and will be rolling out coworking spaces for agencies to test in November. […]

Robin Carnahan

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive shift in the Federal workplace, first pushing the majority of the workforce to virtual environments, and then leading to the rise of hybrid environments. Robin Carnahan, General Services Administration (GSA) administrator, said this week the time is now to reimagine how people work. […]

federal workforce worker hired-min
General Services Administration GSA
General Services Administration GSA

The Senate confirmed by voice vote late Wednesday the nomination of Robin Carnahan to lead the General Services Administration (GSA). Carnahan, who was nominated by President Biden on April 6, brings a wealth of IT and agency-specific experience to the new post. […]

General Services Administration GSA

Robin Carnahan, President Biden’s nominee for administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA), sailed through a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmation hearing today while offering commitments to create a more user-friendly GSA and support digital infrastructure investments. […]

General Services Administration GSA
