Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Federal money spending government

The government spends 6.4 percent of its funding on IT, nearly double the 3.3 percent spent on average by industry, leading to billions spent instead of adopting commercial systems, according to a report by the Alliance for Digital Innovation (ADI) released May 18. […]

Federal money spending government
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In the wake of a rash of fatal shootings of unarmed black youths by police officers, a 50-state, nonprofit cooperative purchasing group known as NASPO ValuePoint is about to issue an RFP for public safety video equipment that will include body-worn cameras for police officers for the first time. “We do believe we get better value through the NASPO value contracts by utilizing multiple-states buying power,” said Christopher Hughes, assistant director of the Utah Division of Purchasing. […]

The Treasury Department has been working on redesigning its federal spending data website? is eager to get public input on how well it’s doing. […]

Strategic sourcing is focused on reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while also delivering results, agility, and innovation. Private sector is well on its way to capitalizing on strategic sourcing, and in many industries, companies grow and die by how well they do strategic sourcing. Many of the public sector organizations, including federal, state […]

As you start your planning for 2014, consider three numbers: 90 83 1.05 During the 2014 fiscal year, sequestration will cut $90 billion in Federal discretionary spending. With the soft options already eliminated in 2013, the only decisions left are between bad and worse. Where can agencies find maximum savings with minimal pain? On average, […]
