NASA on March 13 awarded L3Harris Technologies a $765.5 million contract to develop the imager for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) satellite program. […]
NASA scientists have developed a new device that could transform how quantum computers that are located thousands of miles apart exchange large quantities of data. […]
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and computing giant IBM plan to use artificial intelligence (AI) tech to improve climate change research, according to an announcement IBM posted on Feb. 1. […]
The Department of Interior’s U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) component and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are looking for public input on ground station components for the agencies’ Landsat Next project. […]
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program has announced its latest round of awards to fund early-stage studies to evaluate technologies that could support future missions. […]
NASA is moving forward with a $1.3 billion IT services contract after the agency briefly paused the solicitation last year. […]
NASA has named commercial space tech veteran A.C. Charania the agency’s new chief technologist, where he will lead technology innovation and serve as the principal advisor on technology policy and programs. […]
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) has plans to open-source its data, software, computing resources, and collaboration tools to the broader research community, and is seeking public input on where to start the process. […]
NASA has awarded a $516.9 million financial support services contract to Aeyon subsidiary MM Technologies to help modernize the agency’s financial management system. […]
As NASA continues to do more work to establish the first long-term human presence on the Moon – also known as the Artemis missions – the unique challenges associated with life and work on the Earth’s only natural satellite will require the development of new technology. […]
Darlene Coen, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Solutions for Enterprise Wide Procurement (SEWP) deputy program director, will retire from government service in January 2023, the agency told MeriTalk. […]
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has selected 16 people to participate in the agency’s independent study team on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), with the team beginning its research work on Oct. 24. […]
Mary Davie, a longtime Federal acquisition leader at the General Services Administration (GSA) and currently a senior official at NASA, announced she is retiring from Federal service at the end of this year. […]
NASA’s Chief Data Officer (CDO) and Deputy Digital Transformation Officer Ron Thompson has retired from Federal service after a career of serving in seven different agencies. […]
NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) has appointed Nicholas Skytland as its new chief technologist and director of the Business Development and Technology Integration Office. […]
The Federal government must take action to promote stronger research practices that will help ensure the reliability of its scientific research, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in a new report. […]
NASA plans to increase engagement with commercial communication and navigation services providers to support robotic spacecraft and human exploration near-space missions with an upcoming contract, according to a draft request for proposals (RFP). […]
The world’s top space agency has decided to join in the hunt for unidentified flying objects (UFOs), “bringing in a more scientific perspective to the discussion,” officials said Thursday. […]
NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program has selected 110 U.S. small businesses to support technology development on a range of projects – from foldable solar arrays to satellite internet service enhancements. […]
NASA officials will consider implementing an insider threat program to cover its unclassified systems and data following release of a recent study by the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) that found including unclassified systems may better protect agency resources. […]
NASA is looking for comments on its plan for an Alliant2 Best in Class (BIC) Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) that will consolidate application and platform services at its 10 centers and headquarters in Washington, D.C., according to a request for comment posted to […]
NASA has updated a draft solicitation for a $720 million contract that will help the agency develop new technologies, and has invited request for proposals (RFP) to review and comment on the solicitation. […]
Step one in Federal agency digital transformation has little to do with ones and zeros – and everything to do with hashing out a coherent vision of functional improvements and goals that an agency wants to achieve over the longer term. […]
NASA has awarded $359 million to Mitchell Vantage Systems for software products, services, and engineering support. […]
The transfer of NASA-developed technology to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to help make air travel more efficient may not help unsnarl your Thanksgiving travel plans this year, but help is on the way. […]
NASA is launching a new cyber-related initiative, known as the Mission Support Future Architecture Program, to realign the agency’s cybersecurity staff and move it towards an enterprise security model. […]
NASA has awarded Halvik Corp. a $148.8 million task order to support information technology and customer service operations for NASA’s governmentwide information technology (IT) contract vehicle. […]
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced the merger of the space agency’s Office of Strategic Engagements and Assessments and the Office of the Chief Technologist, resulting in the creation of the new Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy (OTPS), in support of the Biden-Harris Administration priorities and focus on space strategy. […]
There are many facets to Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), from building trust with vendors and users to assessing manufacturing specs. During a virtual summit hosted by FCW on Oct. 20, current and former officials from NASA explained the must-have factors in the agency’s SCRM to decide what products are safe to use for applications. […]
NASA officials predict that the agency’s latest state-of-the-art satellites – launching soon – will generate an unprecedented amount of data that will be difficult to manage and optimize with NASA’s current software. Therefore, NASA researchers have turned to cloud computing to make the most of that treasure trove of information. […]