A new Defense Department (DoD) Risk Management Framework (RMF) – due to be delivered to agency leaders in roughly seven weeks – will have strong implications for the way the department’s cybersecurity professionals perform their tasks, according to John Bergin, IT and Business System Reform Lead at DoD. […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report Thursday that found many Federal agencies are not entirely up to speed in classifying members of their cybersecurity workforce, although many of them have traveled well down the road toward compliance. […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
The flagship model for organizational cybersecurity policies just got a new coat of paint. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on April 16 released version 1.1 of its Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity , which updates the agency’s original voluntary cybersecurity framework for critical infrastructure sectors issued in 2014. […]
The Federal government invests $150 billion annually in Federal research and development. And the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) wants to make sure the Federal government–and taxpayers–are getting the best return on investment (ROI) possible. […]
Last week, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) revealed the initial public draft of its Special Publication 800-160 Volume 2, Systems Security Engineering: Cyber Resiliency Considerations for the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is seeking nominations for new members of various Federal boards, including the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB). NIST listed the eight Federal advisory boards with openings, which also include the NIST Smart Grid Committee, and the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology, in a Federal Register notice. […]
As we barrel into Valentine’s Day, seems industry is falling in love again with NIST’s cyber framework makeover. Business groups and the tech sector reacted favorably to the latest update to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure, but noted more work needs to be done in several key areas. […]
The rising frequency and intensity of cyberattacks on information technology systems that support the government, military, businesses, and critical infrastructure has raised awareness among senior Federal agency managers that security controls cannot be bolted on to systems as an afterthought. Security must be a core part of the design of systems from the beginning, and considered throughout the development lifecycle. […]
If you’re looking for reference material on domestic sludge, gold nanoparticles, or peanut butter, a move by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to modernize its e-commerce portal should make it easier to get the information you’re seeking. […]
Password manager company, Dashlane, has added a twist with its list of the “Worst Password Offenders” of 2017, naming high-profile people and organizations that fell into the bad-password trap. President Trump was deemed the worst offender, primarily because of simple passwords reportedly used by cabinet members and policy directors. Outside parties were also the culprits for the Department of Defense, specifically for its contractor, Booz Allen, as well as the Republican Party (stemming from a careless data analytics firm). Paul Manafort, for using “Bond007” as a password, and Sean Spicer, for apparently tweeting his passwords, also came in for scorn. […]
Email is a core network application for both the private sector the and government, and has become an essential business communication tool. Since email is nearly ubiquitous and often poorly secured, it also has become a vector for fraud and data theft. Phishing emails can compromise not only Federal networks and databases, but also trust in government communications. […]
The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) released the second draft of the proposed update to its Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. The new draft aims to clarify, refine, and enhance the framework as well as “amplifying its value and making it easier to use,” NIST officials said. […]
How far can we push the limits of computing power? That is a question that scientists at the National Institute of Technology and Standards (NIST) are pondering. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Department of Homeland Security announced the next phase of the “Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge,” a partnership to bring together Smart City initiatives and DHS’s security expertise and resources, at the Global City Teams Challenge Expo. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education recently released a Cybersecurity Workforce Framework that establishes a consistent vocabulary for recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent. […]
The IEEE Standards Association recently announced that it will be teaming up with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop principles for cloud interoperability or federation. […]
Facial recognition software designers stand to win $25,000 in the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity’s latest challenge. […]
Two National Institute of Standards and Technology scientists have developed a “spectral fingerprint” technique that uses terahertz radiation waves to view corrosion levels of concrete-encased steel, such as the kind that supports bridges and roads. […]
The latest leaked draft of President Donald Trump’s cybersecurity executive order emphasizes the need for the entire executive branch to compare the standing of the United States’ cybersecurity capabilities with the capabilities of the rest of the world. […]
The latest iteration of President Donald Trump’s executive order on cybersecurity will probably require Federal agencies to use the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s framework, according to Ron Ross, a fellow at NIST. […]
Technology developers and government agencies know how to incorporate cybersecurity into their products, but the question is whether they have the will to do it, according to National Institute of Standards and Technology fellow Ron Ross. […]
Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., introduced the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act, which directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology director to disseminate guidelines, tools, best practices, standards, and methodologies for small businesses to improve their cybersecurity. […]
A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) research team collected data from four different smartphone models over an 18-month period to further the development of indoor navigation apps. This type of technology would assist users in finding their way inside unfamiliar buildings, help emergency responders find victims, direct visitors to find specific works of art in large museums, and more. […]
In a recent report on facial recognition algorithms, the National Institute of Standards and Technology offers Federal agencies a map of the time, costs, and manpower associated with processing thousands of faces. […]
A bill introduced in the House of Representatives would give the National Institute of Standards and Technology greater authority to influence the adoption and evaluation of its Cybersecurity Framework by Federal agencies. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a draft update, Version 1.1, to its Cybersecurity Framework–a guide to help organizations reduce cyber risks. […]