Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Environmental Protection Agency

Federal IT has bridged the gap between government and citizen service during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the country takes the very first steps toward recovery, MeriTalk is chronicling the untold stories of how Federal IT is getting the job done – and lessons for the road ahead. Our latest chapter of CIO Crossroads explores IT operations at the Environmental Protection Agency. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues its “extensive, transparent, data-driven, measured and deliberate approach” to reopening its regional and National Capital Region offices, a spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk that political leadership has returned to on-site work. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

As some Federal offices begin looking ahead toward reopening when the COVID-19 pandemic slows, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still largely pushing for maximum telework despite its rolling plan to reopen, an agency spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

Recounting how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made a quick jump to 96 percent telework during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, agency CIO Vaughn Noga explained today how partnerships with other offices and a new approach to emerging tech helped fuel the fast transition. And he urged tech practitioners not to forget lessons learned over the past three months as they transition to the next phase of new normal. […]

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lacks the internal controls necessary to make risk-based decisions for the security of its budget systems, a report from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found. […]

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to share more of its custom-developed software by amending its acquisition regulations to inventory and catalog its custom code, according to an upcoming Federal Register post. […]

In a follow up audit for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found that the EPA has completed all 13 corrective actions from previous audits that were related to improving Federal records management and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) practices. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) reorganization led to gaps in the agency’s compliance with IT policies for its Enterprise Customer Service Solution (ECSS) system, according to an EPA OIG report released August 19. […]

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Inspector General has flagged cybersecurity and data management issues as top management challenges for the agency in FY2019 that need to be tackled. […]

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has failed to monitor plans of action and milestones (POA&Ms) for cybersecurity weaknesses as required by EPA policy, the agency’s Inspector General (IG) said. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) provided an update on the 19 recommendations it made to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made in March 2018 and of those recommendations, the EPA has taken actions to improve on five of the recommendations as of April 2019. […]

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) believes that the agency violated the Federal Records Act when it destroyed an employee’s notes that document a security report of EPA’s cloud service provider. […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is leaving millions of dollars on the table and putting sensitive information at risk, according to the agency Inspector General’s (IG) Semiannual Report to Congress. The report, released today, highlights 114 recommendations from the IG that EPA has yet to implement, with the IG saying the monetary benefits of the unimplemented recommendations total $860 million. […]

In a report released today, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) sounded the alarm regarding EPA’s handling of IT property in a number of regions around the country, and said it offered the agency an extensive list of administrative fixes to those problems. […]

The Federal government isn’t known for its progressive approach to IT infrastructure, and agencies aren’t usually early tech adopters. Yet, agencies are increasingly deploying cutting-edge DevOps methodologies to achieve agility and reduce operating costs. […]

MeriTalk compiles a weekly roundup of contracts and other industry activity. Here’s what happened this week in the Federal Information Technology community. […]

MeriTalk compiles a weekly roundup of contracts and other industry activity. Here’s what happened this week in the Federal Information Technology community. […]

MeriTalk compiles a weekly roundup of contracts and other industry activity. Here’s what happened this week in the Federal Information Technology community. […]

Can he really do that? The Federal records management regulations prohibit President Donald Trump from making climate change data disappear, despite the order to take down part of the website. […]

The speed of government cloud adoption and authorization is both good and bad, depending on which agency is asked, according to panelists at Dell EMC World. “Some of the slowness works to our advantage,” said Annette Moore, acting director and acting CIO at the NASA Johnson Space Center. “In instances it certainly does not.” […]
