Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Privacy issues

The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) today released its policy and legislative wish list for data privacy, joining a recent wave of tech trade groups including the Internet Association and BSA issuing similarly-themed statements as lawmakers filed data privacy bills this year. […]

Privacy issues

The Internet Association (IA), a tech association whose members include Amazon, Google and Microsoft, today released its list of six principles–transparency, controls, access, correction, deletion and portability–that the group says should guide future Federal-level privacy legislation and regulation. […]


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is taking the first steps to develop a privacy framework that balances risk and protections, the agency announced on Tuesday. […]

Google HQ

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, asked Federal Trade Commission Chairman Joseph Simons to take a fresh look at the competitive impacts of Google’s search and digital advertising practices. […]

Government use of facial recognition technology put one in the win column last week, when U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers nabbed a man using a fake passport to enter the country at Dulles International Airport in Virginia. […]

Here is a map of the states. Well, at least 48 of the 50 states.

A new report from The Century Foundation, a progressive think-tank, urges state law enforcement officials to take action on data privacy regulations in the absence of any substantial movement in that direction by the Federal government. […]

Cell Phone Privacy

A new bill would require Federal agencies to obtain a search warrant to access information on citizens without their knowledge. It comes in response to the increasing use of “stingray” devices that Federal, state, and local agencies use to track criminal suspects, capturing data on innocent bystanders as well. […]

No Category Set!

The Center for Democracy & Technology, along with the law firm BakerHostetler, developed a state-by-state compendium of privacy laws relating to the collection, use, and sharing of student data. […]

No Category Set!
No Category Set!

The National Education Association released a policy brief earlier this year outlining best practices for securing student data. A top concern highlighted by the NEA is that Federal legislation regarding student data has not kept pace with technological advancements. […]

Technology should be an important issue in both Republican and Democratic platforms for the upcoming election, according to a letter that advocacy groups sent to the party chairs on Monday. “As the process of developing your platforms continues, we believe it is vital that platform committees both understand the perspectives of the communities we advocate […]

Department of Veterans Affairs CIO LaVerne Council has ordered VA CISO Brian Burns to “redirect his exclusive focus on VA’s role in the Interagency Program Office.” Council also tapped Ron Thompson to serve as interim VA CISO. … VA kicked off its 2016 Information Security and Privacy Awareness Week Speaker Series, but problems dogged the online chat and telephone dial-in. […]

A Federal court order would force Apple to unlock the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists for the FBI. But the FBI versus Apple standoff has little to do with government surveillance powers and even less to do with imperiling the security of dissidents around the world. That’s just what the post-Snowden cottage industry of privacy-at-all-costs advocates, and Apple, want you to believe. […]

Should email and other personal electronic data be protected by the Fourth Amendment in the same way that a written letter or other personal effects are protected? This and other questions like it were debated today before the House Judiciary Committee. The hearing comes as HR 699, the Email Privacy Act, approaches a House vote. […]
