Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Federal money spending government

The June updates from the President’s Management Agenda’s (PMA) CAP Goal Action Plan to Modernize IT to Increase Productivity and Security, released June 20, see all key milestones either completed or on track to be completed by Q4 FY2019, but delays in implementing government-wide tools have impacted asset management security capabilities. […]

While artificial intelligence (AI) technology offers significant opportunities to the Federal government to both reduce costs and improve performance, implementation of the technology will require proper policy, budget, and leadership support, according to a May 22 report from the Professional Services Council Foundation (PSCF). […]

Federal Cloud Flag

The General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that it has launched the Cloud Information Center (CIC), which will serve as a central repository for cloud resources. […]

Kent Murphy

With the release of a new memo by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on shared services today, a major revamp of how the Federal government approaches and acquires cybersecurity services, financial management systems, HR systems, and more is underway. […]

Department of Commerce

After the partial government shutdown that stretched from mid-December 2018 and into January 2019, the Department of Commerce took a long look at its needs, according to Acting Executive Director for Commerce’s Enterprise Services Program Jamie Krauk. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

In one of many budget hearings taking place on the Hill this week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government heard from Russell T. Vought, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regarding the agency’s FY2020 budget request. While the bulk of the hearing didn’t address IT issues, Vought did touch on IT spending, IT modernization, and the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). […]

The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) celebrated its birthday yesterday with a successful first year, but the goal for the future of government IT modernization must be to scale those successes across the Federal government, said Federal CIO Suzette Kent. […]

President Trump – and the nation – face a daunting list of challenges both on the home front and overseas, and how they are managed now and into the future will be key determinants of national success, or failure.  […]

White House

Last year’s President’s Management Agenda, which is set to celebrate its first anniversary on March 20, remains the primary vehicle that the Trump administration will use into FY2020 to advance its broad Federal government modernization agenda which relies heavily on improving IT systems, making better use of data to boost government services, and migrating the Federal workforce to higher-value tasks. […]

USDA Agriculture

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated their goals on modernizing its information technology through an action plan that is focusing on customer-focused, evidence-based, and tax-dollar efficient technology. […]

Since the President’s Management Agenda was issued in March, Federal agencies have been working governmentwide to “provide a modern, streamlined, and responsive customer experience [CX] across government, comparable to leading private sector organizations.” According to an update released Wednesday on, agencies have made strong progress on the cross-agency priority (CAP) of improving CX with Federal services; however, the path forward has not been without bumps in the road. […]

Cyber workforce people

In the President’s Management Agenda, issued in March, President Trump called on the Federal government to modernize the Federal workforce. In the months that followed, the Federal government has made significant progress on the cross-agency priority (CAP) of workforce improvement, but still has a ways to go, according to an update released yesterday on […]

Federal spending budget

The Federal government is making some progress in supporting the cross-agency priority (CAP) goal of greater transparency among Federal IT spending, but is behind schedule on establishing government-wide standards for Technology Business Management (TBM)–a set of best practices for running IT businesses and communicating IT costs and benefits–according to an update released yesterday on […]


Lesley Field, the acting administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), laid out the key areas where OMB is trying to improve IT acquisition, and detailed the initiatives underway. […]

The White House is looking to finalize its new Cloud Smart policy following the release of a draft at the end of September. Agencies and other stakeholders have been given just over a month to express how to make improvements to the new policy. […]

big data
US Federal CIO Suzette Kent OMB MeriTalk CCXB

Federal CIO Suzette Kent said today at an event hosted by the Professional Services Council that the Federal government is currently seeing a “nexus of three critical elements” that provides an unprecedented opportunity for innovation in IT. […]

GAO government accountability office
General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration’s Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract aims to aid modernization, support secure connections through various methods, and allow agencies to focus better on their mission, according to participants on a webinar titled “Building and Securing Government’s Connected Future with EIS,” hosted by FedInsider and sponsored by CenturyLink. […]

Federal CIO Suzette Kent and General Services Administration (GSA) CIO David Shive both offered their support for using Technology Business Management (TBM) in Federal agencies at today’s TBM Council Public Sector Summit. […]
